A police officer’s kind act to a homeless man has gone viral.

People frequently do a number of measures to demonstrate their compassion for others, but these gestures are not always acknowledged.

However, a woman from Florida named TiAnna witnessed a police officer take a crucial move the week before.

TiAnna saw a police officer had parked her squad car in the Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot while she was walking across the street from the restaurant in Ocala.

The cop was visible sitting close to a man who appeared to be homeless on the sidewalk. The homeless

man had received breakfast from Officer Sergeant Erica Hay of the Ocala Police Department, and she wanted to sit down and enjoy it with him.

TiAnna was so moved by what she saw that she snapped a photo of it and posted it on Facebook. It altered my morning, TiAnna remarked,

‘even though I was the only one lucky enough to witness less than two minutes of her generosity that definitely came from the heart.’

Sergeant Hay was surprised at how popular the story became. The K-9 team leader in her department appeared concerned about what she

had done and explained that she had only spotted the man sitting by himself before deciding to offer him food out of guilt.

She reportedly told the Ocala Post that ‘he turned out to be a very kind man with a sad tale.’ He is a trustworthy individual.

The act of simply focusing on the person who is right in front of you can serve as a potent reminder to

anyone that being kind doesn’t need much effort on their part; all that is needed is for you to pay attention to them.

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