In her wedding dress, one woman came for her big day in an odd and remarkable manner. Just look what she did…

Weddings are important and extremely emotional occasions. Friends and family gather to see two people committing to one another for the rest of their lives.

While most weddings are similar, each couple tries to find a unique touch to make their special day unique.

One Irish woman came up with a sweet and ingenious idea to make her wedding unique and unforgettable.

The bride arrived at the church in a way befitting a farm girl, as the 40-second YouTube video demonstrates.

An older man in a suit and tie pulls a tractor down the road at the start of the clip. The text in the video reveals a few seconds later that this was no ordinary tractor ride.

The inscription reads, ‘A bride surprised wedding guests by riding in on a tractor driven by her father.’

The young woman, who is all clad in white, can be seen riding on the back of the tractor as the man pulls into the church’s parking lot.

There are a few shouts as she enters the room. A few individuals gather at the lot’s entrance to take pictures with their smartphones as the unusual arrival happens.

More text describes the woman’s choice to travel by tractor as the tractor approaches its destination, at the front of the church.

According to the writing, ‘She chose the entrance as a tribute to her family’s rural background.’The bride exits the tractor at the end of the clip while holding her bouquet in her hand.

What a lovely, kind, and nice way for her to commemorate her family and parents. She clearly loves

and values her family’s farming heritage, as well as the dedication of all farmers who produce food and nourishment for everyone.

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