Youngster Has The Best Reaction When She Spots a Moana Character in the Storev

Over the years, Disney has created an amazing amount of beloved character-filled classic movies.

Many people have a particular place in their hearts for the characters from movies like ‘Inside Out’’Frozen,’ and ‘Big Hero 6’.

The company’s most well-liked movie in recent memory, ‘Moana,’ is about a Polynesian girl who sets out on a mission to end an old curse.

The immensely popular song ‘How Far I’ll Go,’ which is from the movie, is probably well known to you even if you haven’t seen the movie.

A YouTube video serves as the ideal illustration of the success of the movie ‘Moana.’ One young child waiting

in line at the grocery checkout counter is convinced she has run across one of the movie’s characters.

The youngster starts furiously jumping and falling. It’s initially unclear why the young woman is so ecstatic.

‘Who is that?’ the woman who is holding the camera queries. ‘That’s Maui!’ exclaims a second young woman in response.

The two women are describing the man manning the checkout counter as Maui in real life. Of course, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson provides the voice of Maui, one of the animation movie’s main characters.

It seems that the man has encountered this type of response before. He is not at all fazed. The two girls are instructed to join him across from the counter.

It’s initially unclear what’s going to happen. He asks the girls if they’re ready, counts down, and gives out a loud yell when they’ve joined the

person they think is the real-life embodiment of an animated character. The amiable and helpful man then grinned broadly for the camera.

He might have easily become offended at the girls’ response, but instead he played along and made them laugh, perhaps brightening their day.

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